Tending to the Sacred Fire
The Indigenous Health Network (IHN) supports meeting the unified vision of Indigenous health, creating interconnectivity of autonomous nations plus urban and rural Indigenous organizations, that reflects the values of ‘tending the sacred fire’ with Indigenous people from Six Nations through to Niagara. The IHN creates space to identify and respond to the needs of the Indigenous community across this region, inclusive of the true breadth of diverse Indigenous Nations whom reside within the Ontario West region (e.g. Seneca, Anishinaabe, Cree, Dene, Metis, etc.), and by doing so, breaks down barriers within and across the ‘health’ silo and embracing the concept of wellness, wherein everyone has a role.
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Traditional Medicine And The Western World
IHN Indigenous Allyship Toolkit
- The Indigenous Allyship Toolkit has been prepared by the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Indigenous Health Network in partnership with the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network (HNHB LHIN) to support health care providers in addressing inequities.
- Recognizing there are many existing resources available on this subject created by elders, knowledge keepers and experts, this toolkit is a compilation of these resources and reflection exercises to deepen understanding and provide practical techniques to aid in your journey of self-awareness and allyship.
- This toolkit is intended to provide essential resources that will inspire settlers to advocate for social justice for Indigenous people and to appropriately act upon anti-Indigenous racism.